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Water Cycle



Ninety-five percent of the stormwater is captured on site. Most of the water is captured by the green roof, moved to a subsurface infiltration system and is returned to the groundwater after being cleaned of pollutants.

The system enables 100% of most Southern California storms to replenish the local groundwater rather than running off, picking up trash, and polluting the ocean.

To further reduce the building’s impact on the water cycle, 100% of the water-using fixtures are low flow, the toilets are dual flush, and the plants are native and/or drought tolerant with drip irrigation. Appliances are Energy Star or better and were chosen for both energy-efficiency and water conservation. Clothes washers use less water than traditional models.

Indoor potable water use: 29,000 gal/yr (109,777 liters/yr)
Outdoor potable water use: 11,000 gal/yr (41,640 liters/yr)
Total potable water use: 40,000 gal/yr (151,500 liters/yr)
Potable water use per occupant: 40,000 gal/person/yr (25,250 liters/person/yr)
Potable water use per unit area: 8.5 gal/sq ft/yr (290 liters/sq meter/yr)



Percent reduction of regulated potable water: 



Is potable water used for irrigation: 



Percent of rainwater from maximum anticipated 24 hour, 2-year storm event that can be managed onsite: 


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