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Light & Air



The large existing footprint of the Full Goods Warehouse presented design challenges when it came to providing natural light to the center of the building. As the design evolved, the solution to the inadequate natural lighting was the incorporation of the pedestrian breezeways and light monitors. These features provide diffused natural light to tenants’ exterior walls and indirect natural light on interior breezeway walls. The breezeways encourage building occupants to enjoy spaces that are naturally ventilated and daylit.


Highly efficient ductless minisplit systems were installed to condition indoor spaces. These systems can serve multiple zones using only one outdoor unit, and allow individual control of the air conditioning in each room. This provides precision temperature control for individual rooms, allowing building users to tune their thermal zone according to individual preferences.




Daylighting at levels that allow lights to be off during daylight hours: 



Views to the Outdoors: 



Within 15 feet of an operable window: 


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